Adsense Approval PHP Script – MonsterTools PHP Code

Download Adsense Approval PHP Script 100% Working - MonsterTools

80 + Tools Script

Admin Demo Login

Email: [email protected]
Password: admin123


Rs: 1500/-

How to Use this Script to Get Adsense Approval:

  • Buy Cracked Script Just in Rs: 1500/-
  • Read Documentation provided with code to install this script.
  • After installation change site logo, footer text and other desired changes.
  • Change Titles, Short and log description of all tools (you may use chatGPT to write description).
  • Add site on Google Search Console.
  • Submit all tools for inexing.
  • and then write some blog posts and submit for indexing. 
  • Do social sharing and use some tools to get traffic on site.
  • Submit site on Adsense for approval.
  • Wait for Adsense approval.
  • You will get Approval Within 15 days.
  • After Approval, remove complete script and install WordPress(CMS) and create your own blog website.
  • Don’t Forget to add ads.txt to the new site.
  • Good Luck!

Send Rs: 1,500/- to any provided account and send screenshot of payment with this form.

Faysal Bank

Name: Muhammad Tayyab Irshad
Account Number: 3398301000002620

Jazz Cash

Name: Muhammad Tayyab Irshad
Account Number: 0308 7400664
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